Saturday, January 23, 2016

Why Pop Culture?

Why Pop Culture? Because It's Everywhere!

I really hate to admit that I am keeping the stereotype "bad" pop culture alive. I have a confession. I am the pop/country music loving, bad horror movie watching, reality TV junky. In fact, I am probably single handedly keeping the Kardashians in the news and on TV.

But I'm also not sorry. And that's what's so great about pop culture. There is a little bit of everything for everyone. That's why pop culture is so important. It is involved everything we do in life.

Music is a huge part of my life. If you ask anyone what I do all day, I'm sure they'll answer :SING! Not that I'm the best singer, I just really enjoy it. Music is my daily motivator. Though I tend to gravitate towards today's country, or Top 100, I listen to a large variety of music. My playlists contain all genres to go along with any mood I am in.
 As for TV, as I stated before I love reality TV. The junkier the better. We're talking "Kardashians", "Love and Hip Hop" ... you name it. I also REALLY love crime shows, to include "Criminal Minds," "Law and Order," and documentary crime shows like "Snapped." I also am at the top of my game with kids shows due to my 2 year old.

Admittedly, I am not too big of a fan of movies. Luckily, my husband is. This means I watch a lot of movies NOT by choice, but it does make me expand my horizons, so why not! Also, I have NEVER been a reader, but my New Years Resolution was to yet again try to venture into the world of books. I decided to start with one I knew I would like (because I am in love with the movies) which is to start the Harry Potter series. I read the first 2 a while back and really enjoyed them, but It has always seemed like a chore to read them. Any tips on helping me get into reading? Anyone?

The value of pop culture is so dominant in our world. One of the most important aspects to me is the underestimated value of social media. When I moved from my family away to Missouri I was ecstatic that is was so easy to keep in touch. Social media allows people from all over the world to share their culture, ideas and values all within minutes. This a huge advance in technology, and we are so fortunate to be living in a time where these major advances are taking place.

I'm really excited to be in this class. Looking at the syllabus I know I am going to be pushed out of my comfort zone, and I am really excited. I think it will be so interesting to be reading and studying more in depth topics of pop culture. Pop culture forms the way we think and act, and I wonder how these studies will make me have a different outlook on pop culture - and life itself.

Good luck all!

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