Saturday, January 23, 2016

Popular Culture - Documentaries

Popular Culture: 21st Century Documentaries 

In recent years, there have been many different documentaries that've shed light on different issues in the United States, as well as across the world. Some of these films have cost people their lives and tremendous amounts of effort, in order to achieve the success of their message and intentions getting across to the rest of the world. A good example of an influential documentary like this is Fahrenheit 911, the highest grossing documentary of all time, which lead to a huge shift in public opinion about the 9/11 attacks and also exposed many of George Bush's ties to the middle east as well as Iraq, which many people didn't quite fully understand. Some other good examples of influential documentaries like these are: An Inconvenient Truth, which pertained to global warming, Food inc. which went into detail about how organic crops get effected by GMO seeds, Blackfish; which has now led to the discontinuation of whale shows and caused a huge public backlash, as well as many more. 

Value in documentaries is always substantial because it sheds light on a true perspective of certain issues. Usually, documentaries are shot in a way that presents evidence or what could be considered evidence and allows the viewer to make their own informed decision. Usually after watching a documentary about an issue, I feel more comfortable talking about that issue because I know more of the pertinent facts.

During the stages of this course, I anticipate there may be some involvement with documentaries and I do know that by studying at least a few of them, which may have to do with your own personal interests, can give you additional insight on content you're already into that you may have had no idea about.  

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