Sunday, February 16, 2020

It's Saul Goodman

Jimmy McGill better known as Saul Goodman is a fictional character played by Bob Odenkik in the hit television series Breaking bad as well as its prequel Better Call Saul. Jimmy McGill was not always the crooked lawyer who helped drug dealers, he was once a talented lawyer working at a well reprised law firm HHM, he then left eventually starting his own firm in the field of elderly law. Throughout the show Better Call Saul it shows the slow diminishment of his character from Jimmy, being a sweet and sympathetic guy who helped the elderly to a crook, Saul, who now bends the rules of the law to help drug dealers. 
Saul Goodman is far from your typical lawyer. He is a conniving peddler of the law who takes whatever shortcut possible to help his low-life clients. He is a professional in the art of manipulation making sure his clients are viewed like angels and the prosecutors look like fools. He will rig trials making it impossible for his clients to lose, he even planted a cell phone battery on his own brother to win a case. Saul is a complex man living a double life between the law and the lawlessness. 
The traits of Saul Goodman stray far from our typical view of lawyers in today's society. It has been stereotyped that a lawyer is usually a white male who shows characteristics of professionalism as well as the appreciation for the law. It relates to the topics of module 5 in many ways one way is the example of an alien invasion. “Aliens are the ultimate “Other” and because we are unhindered by a real-life example (that is, we have yet to encounter real aliens), we freely show these intelligent beings as barbaric as possible (yes, there are alien films that present positive examples, but they are largely outnumbered by hostile aliens)”(Eaton 5).  It is automatically assumed that aliens will be hostile just like how lawyers are assumed to be good.

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