Sunday, April 1, 2018

Postmodernism video

In the YouTube video "Postmodernism in Advertising Explained," postmodernism is defined as "The state society is in now." This video explains how postmodernism is tied into advertisements such as Dolce and Gabbana or Chanel advertisements. While these companies try to portray a certain modern age by selling products or services, customers are left confused by what the company is actually selling or producing. Some of these companies have unclear advertisements which is why advertising as a whole is highly related to postmodernism.  In many ways this relates to the current modern age where digital advertising and social media throw so many advertisements and promotions at consumer that it is very difficult for us to digest all of them. This leads to uncertainty and ambiguity and only promotes more confusion among consumers. Although this type of advertising may be making us more efficient because we learn how to digest the information faster it does not necessarily lead to us learning more about the products or services being offered.

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