Thursday, February 1, 2018


Movies have been around since the late 1800s. They have grown from 7 minutes
to hours long. In today’s world, movie franchises have become a huge part of pop culture. Star
Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, and The Marvel Cinematic
Universe are just a few to name! These movies help us to feel hope, empowerment, and outside
the movies themselves comes a community of others who connect from them and have a sense
of inclusion by being apart of that.
These movies influence pop culture tremendously. So many people today find
characters within movies they relate or look up to. Often times they’ll dress up like that
character for Halloween or have them as the background on their phone. Movies impact
people constantly and can be an outlet for people to fully immerse themselves and forget
about whatever they’re going through for a little while.

The feelings movies give us and the way we get so engaged is something that is
indescribable. When you’re an adult, sometimes you lose that sense of imagination, but
movies can help us to feel that all over again if only for a brief period in our day. Movies
have the ability to open up our eyes and see something through someone else’s shoes.

Movies help connect us through social interaction. They bring others together whether
that be online groups, costume parties, or showing up to the movies with a bunch of
people in costume on the day a movie premieres.
Movies also can affect how we act. Many people quote popular movie phrases all the
time. They are even referenced in other TV shows, movies, or books. These references
can help bring others closer if they know that they are referring to and if that quote is
relevant to them.

Films are always influencing and will forever be relevant in pop culture.

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