Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Culture Industry & Fashion

Each person has their own sense of fashion. But what seems to happen is we have a handful of designers telling us what is "in" and what it "out." Fashion trends seem to be a revolving door, where the same fashion that everyone is wearing yesterday is considered ugly today, and "vintage" and popular the next day. This makes us get rid of our clothes just to have us buy the same but newly invented article of clothing years later.

If you really think about it these fashion trends and changes dictate our lives. Even at award shows where we are supposed to be talking about the artist's music or movies, the red carpet is designed specifically so they can be asked the so important question: "What are you wearing?" For the next week these outfits are plastered all over the covers of magazines and being critiqued on TV for our entertainment. We then see our everyday fashion being ripped off of the "hot list" created by these celebrities.

If you think about today's fashion trends they are really just plays on old fashion that has been tweaked to fit today's needs. The high waist swimwear and shorts all girls like to wear are really just a play back to the 50's style. The short pixie hair cut that was out of fashion for the longest time once again became popular again. Even Levi's has created a new "mom jean" fit - which is just a play off the late 80's - early 90's style of pants. With all these fashion trends going in and out we will never be able to keep up. These magazines and celebrities really dictate what we buy, and when we stop wearing it. As long as we judge people based on their looks then fashion will continue to be an investment that everyone will spend money on.

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