Radio is something that most if not all of us have listened to, if not participated in at some point in our lives. Since 1920 when the first radio news program was broadcast it has grown in to something more than just talk shows to keep people up to date on news. It has grown to include music stations, talk shows, news, sporting events and more. Radio has even become more interactive in the last decade, with many radio stations featuring viewers who call in and get to give their opinions on that days topic, chances to win prizes, theres even a radio station that will call a person you went on a date with if they stopped responding to you to see what went wrong. With all this radio has become much more personalized that it previously was, I can’t imagine why people are willing to spill intimate details of their love life to an unknown amount of people over the radio but it surely keeps things interesting. I think in this way radio has changed since its inception to something more than just something people listen to. They can now feel connected to what they’re listening to because of the ability to call in, make points or argue opinions that were presented on the show. To talk about sports games, political ongoings, win prizes to sporting events or free dinners. Radio is something more now that just words heard over a station, it’s relatable and personal as well as exciting to listen to. 

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