Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Love for the Game

Basketball has always shown to be like no other when it came to how it links the fans and the game, proving that the fans are always the most important thing. They do this in many different ways, one being that the fans have a choice in who will play in the All-Star game or not, leaving the fans to vote for whoever. Things like this have given the people more say into what they see on the court.

This however isn't exactly why the NBA is so popular but more like situations that occur, like the passing of a NBA legend in Kobe Bryant. Such an unexpected tragedy, when his private helicopter crashed with him, his daughter, two other little girls and three more adults all also dying instantly. Immediately the first reaction for everyone was that there was no way it could be true, his daughter also played basketball and was only 13. Being a huge fan myself I was devastated, mainly because of the loss of his daughter, she was talented and had the rest of her life ahead of her, just cut short. This united many basketball fans all over to show respect to what once was the leader of a great franchise in the Lakers, and also show respect to what could've been an amazing professional athlete in Gianna. This doesn't happen frequently in any sport, never mind basketball, but it was beautiful to see during such a tragedy, many former and current players, fans of the game, and just people in general reflect on how important family is and how every day matters. This is what the game is about and Kobe preached his love for the game constantly, and his daughter was just as obsessed.


1 comment:

  1. Kobe Bryant and his daughter GiGI's death should and will be taken as a sign that life is to short not to workout things out with those you love. Don't let one argument ruin a relationship because you never know when that last goodbye will come.
