Friday, January 31, 2020

Deflatgate? More like Derailgate

In a story that broke early last week by ESPN and other major news networks, the networks pinned deflate gate on the NFL rather than the New England Patriots. In a major swing and change although it may be a couple years, suspensions, picks and fines to late. The NFL used its media prowess to allow this story to get published to make the patriots look bad as an organization, especially taking its aim at Tom Brady in a shot of defamation on his brand and persona. The NFL has not issued a statement since the ESPN article, and most likely will not. With limited evidence and no creditability to it the NFL leaked limited information only to protect itself from the image of the witch hunt of a hall of fame coach, quarterback and arguably the greatest organization in all American sports. There was never any scientific evidence to prove that the footballs were deflated, leaking that Tom Brady had thrown his phone away, because he had gotten a new one which all people do when they get a new phone. The only thing the NFL proved was how egotistical and salty they were the Patriots had gotten off on the cheating allegation. Proving that the only scandal that happened was the NFL investigation into the matter. The best part of the whole story is the Patriots coming out and winning the Superbowl the next week. Then, to make it even better and defend their title in the year Tom Brady served his suspension and win it again then, but not only to win it but to have the greatest comeback in NFL playoff history. Deflategate was one of the biggest derailment attempts at the greatest organizations in American sports history, further proving that the NFL is only worried about showing its might and power. Especially when giving the same amount of games suspension to Tom Brady as it has given to players who have tested positive for PED's as well as those who have been charged with domestic abuse charges.

Hurley, Michael. “ESPN Runs Story Pinning DeflateGate Scandal On NFL Instead Of Patriots, Perhaps Reshaping National Narrative.” CBS Boston, CBS Boston, 24 Jan. 2020,

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