For starters,
the Nostaglia Critic is an online review series, who through sketches and jokes reviews the worst of the worst. In my opinion, it is one of the funniest and even one of the smartest review shows in recent years. A few years back, he did a review of
Jurassic World, where he heavily criticized the film, excepts for certain parts, the attack on the park and the battle between the T-Rex and Indominous Rex. However, I'm not critiquing the Nostalgia Critic's criticisms of the film, as a lot of the, I agree with. Instead, I'm critizing what he praised about the movie.
As I said before, there are critiques in his video I agree with.
* Claire and Owen's romance is random and forced.
* The visual effects, while I feel are not as bad as he says they are, aren't anything amazing, and are more average for me.
* The design of the Indominous Rex isn't anything special either.
* The two kids parents getting a divorce subplot has no purpose in the film.
* Vincent D'Onofrio's antagonist is a badly written character.
However, what I disagree on is his praise of the Pterosaur Attack and the T-Rex vs. the Indominous Rex. The Nostaglia Critic praises these two scenes as the redeeming aspects of the film, that make-up for the film's short comings. How come. Why is it that everyone think the over the top action of
Fast and Furious and
Jurassic World make up for its short comings, but Michael Bay films don't.
Now, I've heard this from a lot of people, that those two scenes make-up for the film's flaws, but how. Both scenes add and do nothing for the story. The Pterosaur Attack, while entertaining, seems like an excuse to show some action, the T-Rex attack in the original
Jurassic Park served the plot, as it showed the flaws of the park. Also, the Pterosaurs attacking and killing innocent people seems a bit juvenile and overly mean.
Then there was the T-Rex vs. the Indominous Rex fight at the end. First off, was there really no other way to kill the Indominous Rex, they had to release the T-Rex, the T-Rex was the only way to kill it. Wouldn't it be easier just to leave and have the military deal with it or just leave the dinosaurs alone. Releasing another dangerous dinosaur seems like a bigger risk then just leaving. And like the Pterosaur Attack, besides killing the Indominous Rex, this doesn't really serve the plot, besides being entertaining. To top it all off, the scene feels like a retread of original
Jurassic Park, where the T-Rex comes into save the day. Honestly, in the end of the day, not only do these scenes bring up more questions then answers,nut they don't make up for the rest of the film's flaws.
There have been other times when I didn't agree with the Nostaglia Critic, but still, I am a big fan or the show and think he still has a lot of great points and a great show.