In the past
couple of years or so floss picks have become widely popular in homes. Remember
when we had just our ordinary coil of floss? We now have a new design and “fun”
way to get kids wanting to floss more.
These floss picks, also called flosser picks are extremely wasteful
because of the added plastic handle, not to mention these picks are only good
for a one time use then you need to waste another one. Single use plastics are
something environmentalists are trying to lower the numbers off everyday. Not
to mention dentists are recommending using the old fashioned floss vs. the
flossing picks.
Although this product is not ideal for the environment or efficient because of the plastic body, floss picks appeal to its audiences. The people using these floss picks see them as an easier alternative, it is much easier to reach the back of your mouth with these picks instead of regular floss and as many of us know, most people choose the easier way out. Below are some recent ads from DenTek, a oral care company that produces thee floss picks.
As I discussed, the floss picks are a one time use, and often times you need more than just one floss pick during a single flossing time because of how little floss is actually there. So as soon as your done flossing, you end up having to run back to the supermarket to grab another pack and it turns into an ongoing cycle.
DenTek used men, in tough positions like enlisted in the army, or a martial arts fighter to get their message across. When you think of a floss pick you wouldn't really put two and two together but hey, to each their own. They could have been trying to make a point that even strong, tough, courageous men use their floss picks, and maybe if you use them you could be just like them.