Sunday, January 22, 2017

Can’t this wait till I’m old, can’t I live while I’m young?

Can’t this wait till I’m old, can’t I live while I’m young?

Throughout my life, music has been paramount. It started at a young age, listening to Pink Floyd’s The Wall in the car with my Dad. As I got older and started to become an individual,
music became my identity. I wore band T-shirts and worn jeans and corduroys, scribbled band logos on my notebooks, grew my hair out, and started playing the guitar. I was on my way to being a non-conforming rocker!

In my junior year of high school, I dropped out of school and went on Phish tour. I had been introduced to the band several years prior by my sister, and so by the time I left high school I was already an avid fan.  I found an identity in that community that I could not find in the small town I was raised in. People were intelligent and thought outside of the box. They were conscious of the environment and their fellow man. I was completely immersed in an environment of like-minded people, and I took full advantage of that.

I do not expect that we will talk much about this particular culture in this class, but I see that we
will touch on fandom. I am going to be interested to learn about what other people invested their time and energy into, and what motivated that. For me it was just the love of the music and the message of the community. I will be interested to see what other people drew from their communities, and how it made them a happier or better person.

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