Sunday, April 3, 2016

Post Modernism Explained, Sort of
This video is very entertaining. He tries to explain post modernism by telling us its unexplainable, or at least complicated. He has great facial expressions and uses dramatic pauses well and his sense of timing is awesome. Basically it boils down to the fact that post modernism started somewhere around the mid 19th century. Evidently, nobody agrees on when it started and what it is. I guess if I had to explain it, I would categorize it as being beyond the modern times. Since this society lives so much in the future in a lot of books and movies, it can include, well, now. I kind of think about how some sci-fi movies sort of come true in our society. For instance, My Dad told me when he was young, he would go to the movies and watch Flash Gordon go to the moon. It hadn't happened in real life until he was in his 20's. So to him, he Flash Gordon series was almost reading the future. I remember when the original Star Wars came out, lasers and computers were just for the scientific community, the movie implied that everybody would have access to this technology for everyday life. At that time, none of us believed that would be true in our own lifetime, but look at us know. Maybe we don't have robots doing our work or have to face the Dark side of the Force on a daily basis, but we certainly cannot live without our cell phones and computers. So if you want to know what the future will bring, keep a close eye on the current sci-fi movies and if you are ambitious enough, maybe you can make the next step in the world of technology yourself.

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