Sunday, January 27, 2019

Social Media: The Good, but Never the Bad or Ugly

     Coffee; the magical bean juice that helps us do all of the things. But coffee is not just coffee, it's a huge part of popular culture and provides a larger insight into who we are individually, and as whole, a lot more than we would think. The many elements that go into the world of coffee, such as how we drink it, how often, and where, can tell us a lot about us. And just like coffee, social media is also a huge part of popular culture. There's Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and so much more, and they all have different functions and purposes. Some people use social media for fun, some of us for business, and some not at all! Some of us can't start our days without a cup of coffee, and some of us can't start our days without checking our various accounts and notifications. One of the larger social media outlets is Instagram. You can tell so much about a person through the other accounts they follow, the posts they like, and what they post such as: if they're in relationship, what they do for work, what kind of food they like, and more.
       But Instagram is essentially just a highlight reel of every users' lives. Operative word being highlight, because very rarely do you see anyone post the bad, for the world to see. And why would we? Why wouldn't we post ourselves looking our very best, or that delicious and aesthetically pleasing brunch you had, or of the new car you finally got? This has to say something about us as a society, when we refuse to post a photo from an unflattering angle or footage of your kid having an absolute meltdown telling you you're "the worst parent ever". Everyone is always trying to put their best faces forward, pun intended, and it's something that we as a society engage in daily; probably without ever really noticing.
       The video of "An Example of Popular Culture" touches base on all the different dynamics surrounding coffee such as how and where we drink it, and what it says about us. This can help us see social media the same way and allows us to understand how and why we use it the way we do. It is something we use constantly, and for all different reasons, but at the end of the day it is something that brings us together and allows us to connect with people all over the world. 

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