Saturday, February 11, 2017


Westworld is one of Hbo's newest series. From the trailer and first episode, you are introduced to a wild west like setting. The richest people visit Westworld, which is a interactive amusement park to live out there wildest fantasies able to do whatever the want. In the amusement park there are “hosts, hosts are robots created by who I call “ God" Dr. Robert Ford. You have the basic and very straight forward dialogue that you would find in any old western series, they use it more as a parody among the hosts. The way that westworld fits into the western narrative is that you do have the western setting but also the hero and villain plot.,d.amc&psig=AFQjCNFe6aOCecr9NeOZGOY49nx8DjHC9g&ust=1486939069222357

Teddy is introduced to us as the hero, there to save another host named Delores from the man in black. He has the clothing, dialogue, and manners of a cowboy. Teddy's outfit in the first few episodes are him in a brown hat, coat, vest, trousers and the typical cowboy boots, the look is spot on. To top it all off he has the leather gun holder, to complete the perfect cowboy ensemble.

When Teddy speaks to Delores you can tell that he has a soft spot for her. In other western narratives the cowboy seems to act the same towards everyone that he comes across. If you were to watch the show, you will start to realize that Teddy is one of the smarter hosts there. I do not want to give too much of the show away but that plays a major part into why he is not the straight forward cowboy.

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